J harlen bretz missoula floods map
The great missoula floods
The Missoula floods (also known as the Spokane floods, the Bretz floods, or Bretz's floods) were cataclysmic glacial lake outburst floods that swept periodically across eastern Washington and down the Columbia River Gorge at the end of the last ice age.
J harlen bretz missoula floods map
This map clearly illustrates Glacial Lake Missoula on the right, being stopped by an ice dam.
J harlen bretz missoula floods map in real life
I've been reading Cataclysms on the Columbia, which has a good recounting of the year long fight geologist J. Harlen Bretz had against the mainstream geological community .
J harlen bretz missoula floods map in pakistan
The scarred landscape, garnished by huge boulder bars and far-travelled ice-rafted erratics, spurred J Harlen Bretz’s vigorously disputed flood hypothesis in the s.