Nikola popovski minister za finansii 2017
Nikola gruevski
Nikola Poposki (born 24 October in Skopje) was Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia until 31 May Prior to that role, in – he served as the country's ambassador to the European Union.
Nikola gruevski deca
ФАКТОР: Се ситни економската година – со прелеана политичка незвесност која веќе влијаеше врз намалување на очекувањата за економски раст.
Antonio milososki
Nikola Popovski was Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee, the Committee on Environment, Youth and Sport, and the Finance and Budget Committee of the Assembly of the Republic of .
Minister za nadvoresni raboti
На година е избран за министер за финансии.